
15:00 / 27.05.2024
The most painful point for teachers is their monthly salary. So how much are they getting paid now and how much do they really want?
With this question, Sevinch Kholikova, a correspondent of xalqtaliminfo.uz, conducted an excellent survey among Navoi teachers.
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14:00 / 06.03.2025
A limit has been set on the amount of material assistance provided to teachers.

14:22 / 05.03.2025
“Orzudagi maktab” loyihasi o‘tkaziladi

06:45 / 05.03.2025
An 8th-grade student has given birth to a child

12:04 / 04.03.2025
Spring break for schoolchildren begins on March 21.
News on the topic

How much salaries representatives of the education sector received in 2024 became known
Their average monthly salary amounted to 3,637,000 soums
14:50 / 26.01.2025

The monthly salary of managers will be doubled
It was proposed to increase the monthly salaries of school leaders
12:49 / 25.12.2024

It was noted that it is necessary to monitor the teacher's lessons on a video camera and pay a salary based on the rating
Such a proposal came from Alisher Kadyrov
01:01 / 01.12.2024

It was noted that teachers who teach children poorly should be paid less
This initiative came from the leader of the "Milliy Tiklanish" party Alisher Kadyrov
14:02 / 26.11.2024
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