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19:00 / 07.05.2024 356

In the second issue of our podcast "Tanaffus," we talked about a topic that is relevant and interesting for educators - the processes of certification and testing.

Rashidjon Tojiboev, a responsible employee of the Republican Center for Education Development, and Gafurjon Dekhkonov, a teacher at the 29th State Pedagogical University in the Almazar district, visited us as special guests.

During the conversation, they shared valuable information about the certification processes of teachers, test systems and how these processes affect teachers. In the next issues of the "Tanaffus" podcast, we will continue to discuss topical topics related to the education system. If you have questions about the certification process, you can listen to our podcast and learn more about it.

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Author of the article

Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Attestation
  • Qualification category
