Need a national certificate to get a job at school?
I am studying at the university in the 4th year in the field of native language and literature. If I apply for a job at a school, they demand a national certificate. They said we wouldn't hire them without this certificate. Is their demand justified?
It is wrong to require a national certificate from students studying in the field of native language and literature or from applicants who have completed this field. Employers should not confuse this with professional certificates or B2 certificates issued to foreign language teachers.
What is a professional certificate?
A professional certificate is a state-issued document that grants the right to engage in pedagogical activity to an individual who has successfully passed the control test, issued for an indefinite period of time with a QR code.
It is known that according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 87 dated February 2, 2024, candidates who are hired for the first time will work as teachers-trainees for one year and at the end of the year will have to take control exams and receive a professional certificate.
For the applicant who participated in the control test for the first time and did not pass it, an extraordinary control test will be organized.
The employment contract concluded with the applicant who participated in the supervision test and did not score enough points is terminated in the manner prescribed by labor law.
To whom does the B2 certificate requirement apply?
According to paragraph 9 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 312 dated May 19, 2021, a candidate entering a state educational institution as a foreign language teacher, whether he is a student or a person with higher education, is required to have a national B2 or equivalent international certificate if he is being accepted for a new job. This requirement does not apply to teachers of other subjects.
What is a national certificate?
According to paragraph 9 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 11, 2022 No. DP-134 "On Approving the National Program for the Development of Public Education for 2022-2026," it is envisaged to pay teachers with a certificate obtained in the national assessment system of the Agency for the Evaluation of Knowledge and Skills a bonus of 20 percent of their tariff rate.
Also, by the decision of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation No. 4-q/q dated April 4, 2024 and the Ministry of Preschool and School Education No. 3-mh dated April 2, 2024, the list of national and internationally recognized certificates that determine the level of knowledge of foreign languages and general education subjects was approved.
That is, teachers of subjects with a national certificate will be paid additional bonuses.
In conclusion, it would be wrong to require national or international certificates from teachers of other subjects, in addition to foreign language teachers.
Obtaining national or international certificates is a right of teaching staff (except for foreign language teachers), not an obligation.
It should be recalled that according to Article 119 of the Labor Code, in case of refusal to hire, the employer is obliged to submit a written ground for refusing to hire, signed by an official who has the right to hire, at the request of the person to whom the job is refused, within three days.
Refusal to provide a written ground shall not preclude the appeal against the unlawful refusal to hire.
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