It was noted that teachers who teach children poorly should be paid less

Today, the next session of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held. At it, the draft law "On the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2025" was considered in the first reading.
Speaking at the meeting, the leader of the Democratic Party "Milliy Tiklanish" Alisher Kadyrov touched upon the issue of funds allocated from the budget to the Ministry of Preschool and School Education.
He said that despite the fact that very large funds are allocated to the education system, they are not being used effectively. Therefore, the Democratic Party "Milliy Tiklanish" raised the question of whether the planned $50 trillion in teachers' salaries will yield the expected results.
"It is very true that very large funds are allocated to the education system, and we support this. If we do not succeed in reforming the education and upbringing system, we will not be able to achieve our simple sustainable development goals. That's why it's so important. However, we asked whether we could achieve the expected result from the planned funds for the salaries of about 50 trillion teachers.
We always put this question to the Ministry of Preschool and School Education. But yesterday we put it in the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Say, do we have any system to measure the effectiveness of a teacher's work? Let's create a competitive teacher system at school by giving a good teacher a high salary and a poor teacher a low salary.
Let the teacher give our children good education, let the teacher who gives good education get a lot of salaries, we agree that the non-competitive teacher gets a low salary and leaves the system. Our children deserve the best, that's why we have no objections to the funds allocated, but we have submitted a proposal to the ministry on the issue of developing a system to increase its efficiency," Alisher Kadyrov said.
Alisher Kadyrov, leader of the Democratic Party "Milliy Tiklanish," also touched upon the issue of funds allocated from the state budget for the clubs and noted the need to change the approach in this regard.
"About $500 billion is allocated for clubs in schools. This is a correct question, but there is a need to change the approach. It should not be only a circle for poor families or children from families in need of economic assistance.
It is very correct that it should be a club in the school system, funded from the state budget, free of charge sports, technical and language clubs for our children in the school itself, and financed from the state budget. By taking a broader approach to this, we proposed to introduce these funds in all schools. I think we will come to a decision on this issue in the second reading," the party leader said.
It should be recalled that in 2025, it is planned to allocate more than 50 trillion soums for the expenses of organizations in the field of preschool and school education. At the same time, it is projected that it will make up 15.7% of the total expenditures of the State budget, with an increase of 22.9% compared to the expected implementation in 2024.
For reference: as of January-September 2024, the average salary of teachers is 3,484.7 thousand soums, which is the lowest salary compared to other sector workers.
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A limit has been set on the amount of material assistance provided to teachers.

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