Did students from Uzbekistan show a low result in the TIMSS study?

As you know, this study, conducted in Uzbekistan in April-May 2023, involved a total of 8,800 students (including 4,450 in the 4th grade and 4,350 in the 8th grade) from 166 schools selected from all regions.
Also, 166 directors of these schools and 1035 teachers of mathematics and natural sciences took part in the questionnaires.
According to the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, the results of the TIMSS 2023 international assessment program have been announced by the International Association for Educational Achievement Assessment (IEA).
According to it, students from Uzbekistan recorded the following results:
- Results of 8th grade students:
According to the results of the analysis of the international report, the average score of 8th-grade students in Uzbekistan on mathematical literacy was 421 points, ranking 32nd out of 44 participating countries. 8th grade took 39th place out of 44 participating countries in Science literacy with a score of 396.
- Results of 4th grade students:
Uzbek fourth-graders who participated in the study scored 412 points on Science literacy and ranked 54th out of 58 participating countries. In terms of mathematical literacy, it ranked 50th out of 58 participating countries with 443 points.
In Uzbekistan, girls in the 4th grade (446 points) scored better in mathematics than boys (440 points), while the same difference was maintained in the natural sciences (414 points for girls and 409 points for boys).
In the field of natural sciences, girls (395 points) and boys (396 points) scored almost the same result, while boys (426 points) scored higher than girls (416 points) in the field of mathematics.
Komil Jalilov, an expert on education issues, said that Uzbek 4th and 8th grade students had a low level in mathematics and natural sciences.
"The full report has not yet been published on the organization's website, but from the information published in the form of an infographic, one can get an idea of the results of Uzbekistan. To understand the points: 400-475 points on the TIMSS scale - is considered a low level - it means that students have basic knowledge of the subject or know some facts," Komil Jalilov said.
Uzbekistan also recorded a low result in the PISA 2022 study. At the same time, reading literacy ranked 80th among 81 countries with 336 points, natural science literacy ranked 80th among 81 countries with 355 points, and mathematical literacy ranked 72nd with 364 points, which was the main focus of PISA 2022.
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