Minister Hilola Umarova was instructed to open kindergartens in 1,000 mahallas with high poverty levels
The President put forward 28 new initiatives in addition to 34 important innovations in social protection this year.
It was noted that in order to lift 1.2 million people out of poverty next year, it is necessary to address issues of education, clubs, professions, medicine and improve living conditions.
The Minister of Preschool and School Education Kh. Umarova was instructed to establish one family kindergarten in one thousand low-income neighborhoods in 2025.
From the new year, children from poor families will be admitted to 15% of the places in family kindergartens, and the kindergarten fee will be partially reimbursed.
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34 thousand children do not go to educational institutions due to disabilities
By March 1, 2024, clubs will be opened and 118,000 young people from poor families will be trained
In 2025, 81 million copies of textbooks and exercise books will be published
Those who exceed 30 km/h near schools will pay a fine
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