Can psychologists, librarians, and administrative staff also receive a ministerial bonus?

The regional MMTB was requesting a list of candidates for the post of minister. They're only taking lists from us. Can the school psychologist, librarian and administrative staff also claim the minister's allowance of 6 million soums?
According to the Regulation "On the Minister's Fund," approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 425 of August 2, 2022, psychologists, librarians and administrative staff can also claim remuneration from the fund.
To do this, they must belong to the category of advanced workers. Advanced personnel are leaders, psychologists, and librarians who work in the education system and contribute to improving the quality of education.
What do you need to do to get this reward?
There are no qualifying rounds to qualify for the one-time cash prize awarded to managers, psychologists, and librarians.
Also, the list of psychologists, librarians and managers will not be formed by regional councils (local khokimiyats and departments of the National Library of Uzbekistan).
Because, according to paragraph 10 of the Regulation "On the Minister's Fund," information about leading employees, psychologists and librarians, who are considered advanced personnel, is formed by the Working Group formed under the Ministry and submitted to the Minister of Preschool and School Education.
After that, the list of managers, psychologists and librarians entitled to receive a one-time cash reward is approved by the Minister of Preschool and School Education.
One-time monetary remuneration is paid in the amount of 5.5 times the minimum wage, that is, 6 million 352 thousand 500 soums. One-time cash prizes shall be paid within one month from the date of issuance of the order of the Minister on their payment.
Recommendation: Leaders, psychologists, and librarians, who are usually eligible for a one-time cash reward, remain outside the focus of the Working Group under the Ministry of Preschool and School Education.
Therefore, it is recommended that managers, psychologists and librarians who have contributed to improving the quality of education contact the Ministry of Preschool and School Education.
- Ministry hotline: (71) 202-09-09
- Address to the Minister portal:
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Now psychologists can also receive a qualification category
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