What are the main duties of class leaders?

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What are the main duties of class leaders?

23:51 / 07.02.2024 11.08k
The following are the main duties of class leaders:
➖ as one of the main pedagogues in the educational system of the educational institution, to organize the education and training of students in the class assigned to him (hereinafter referred to as class students);
Adhere to the culture of behavior and dress in accordance with the rules of etiquette and internal order, be exemplary in the team;
➖monitoring the growth of students based on pedagogical observations, based on individual approach to students who need help, awaken in their hearts such qualities as national pride, patriotism, kindness, responsibility, initiative, business shoot
Teachers, psychologists, parents and their substitutes (hereinafter referred to as parents), children through the management of the educational institution in organizing the spiritual and educational education of students working in cooperation with commissions, neighborhood, law enforcement agencies, relevant state and non-state organizations on issues;
➖On the implementation of legislation on the prevention of delinquency and delinquency among minors, the "Student" held on prevention of delinquency and delinquency among students. Cooperation in preventive raids, such as Attendance.
Class leaders may perform other duties in accordance with the law.

Class leaders perform the following functions in accordance with the main tasks assigned to them:
➖to implement the education of a mature, well-rounded, spiritually, intellectually, physically developed person in all respects, to create appropriate conditions for the students of the class to fully demonstrate their abilities;
Establishing an approach based on the unique characteristics of each student in the organization of educational work in cooperation with the pedagogical and student team;
Ensuring the full participation of students in the morning formations in the prescribed manner;
Ensuring the preservation and effective use of existing equipment in the attached classroom;

Class leaders organize their activities on the basis of comprehensive educational activities and specific criteria, taking into account the age characteristics of students, the general level of development and abilities.


a) in the direction of educating students in the spirit of patriotism:
➖educate students in the spirit of loyalty to their homeland and people, selflessness, respect for state symbols;
➖to inculcate in the minds of students the high feelings of respect for the heritage of our great ancestors and the creative works of our people today, to introduce them to the creative works, constructions and places of enlightenment in our country;
Creating an environment for educating students in the classroom in the spirit of national and universal values, implementing our cultural heritage rich in the process of education, implementing national standards of ethics, cultivating a creative attitude to work;
➖preparing students for independent life, developing the necessary skills for them to be formed as individuals who can find their place in society;
To educate students in the spirit of respect for the cultural, historical, and national traditions of Uzbek and other nations;
b) in the direction of cooperation with parents and the neighborhood:
➖wide implementation of the activities of the Community Council in cooperation of "Family - neighborhood - educational institution" in raising a perfect generation, holding class parents' meetings based on a clearly defined plan;
Establishing specific measures for the social protection of students, including children from low-income families, those in need of social protection, deprived of parental care, left without parental care, placed under guardianship and foster care protection of minor's social rights;
Controlling the arrival of students to the educational institution in the prescribed school uniform;
Monitoring and analyzing students' use of the electronic platform, monitoring the availability and proper storage of educational materials, discussing the results with parents;
➖preventing students from falling under the influence of various religious currents, carrying out promotional activities for the formation of immunity in them in this regard;
Organizing parent meetings, roundtable discussions, dialogues in cooperation with parents, reporting to the pedagogical councils about the educational work carried out;
➖In working with students who are chronically and regularly absent from classes, with difficult upbringing, their parents, self-government of citizens and cooperation with law enforcement bodies, information for meetings with the director on the results enter;
To educate students in the spirit of respect for parents and adults, respect for children, humility, generosity and generosity, helping people, being kind

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"Xalq ta'limi Info"

"Xalq ta'limi Info"



  • Teacher
  • Class leader
