A proposal is being put forward to hire teachers and educators on a competitive basis

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A proposal is being put forward to hire teachers and educators on a competitive basis

10:38 / 28.08.2024 1.78k

It has been announced that the Democratic Party "Milliy Tiklanish" is promoting initiatives in this year's pre-election program to introduce a competitive recruitment process for educators and teachers in kindergartens and schools, as well as to adopt a "State Program for Training New Generation Teachers."

This was revealed by Alisher Qodirov, the chairman of the Central Council of the Democratic Party "Milliy Tiklanish," in an interview with

According to the party chairman, the issue of teacher recruitment has not been adequately addressed to date. Hiring qualified teaching staff, which is directly related to the quality of education and upbringing, and creating transparent systems for this process is a pressing issue. The absence of a transparent system based on competitive recruitment of teachers in general education schools and higher education institutions inherently affects the quality of education.

"Although education and upbringing are considered the highest priority for reforms and sufficient funds are being allocated, it cannot be said that the ministry is doing enough work in this regard. This view is exemplified by the fact that changes in kindergartens and schools are extremely slow or at a standstill.

True, officials say that it takes time to see results in education and upbringing. However, systematic work needs to be carried out today for results to be visible in the future. For example, out of 126,000 educators in our kindergartens, only 48,000 have higher education. What conclusion can we draw from this, namely, in whose hands is the decisive stage of upbringing?

Is there any point in spending money to improve the qualifications of those who have worked for twenty years without gaining proper skills, or those who know very well that they are in the wrong field despite having a diploma, and are just counting days in kindergarten or school until another job opportunity comes along?

Both educators and teachers must work on themselves to avoid losing their jobs and prove to the employer that they are qualified personnel. This creates an additional resource for reducing costs, making salaries attractive, making educators and teachers competitive, and ultimately improving the quality of education and upbringing," says A. Qodirov.

It was also noted that today, an effective and transparent system for hiring qualified personnel has been established in the justice system with the introduction of modern ICT and electronic platforms. However, the question arises as to why the relevant officials are not paying enough attention to these aspects in the education system, and why the implementation of the tasks set in this regard is being delayed.

"In our pre-election program, we are putting forward our initiatives aimed at regulating the recruitment of educators and teachers in kindergartens and schools, paying special attention to this issue," concluded A. Qodirov, the chairman of the Central Council of the Democratic Party "Milliy Tiklanish."

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Ulugbek Pulatov

Ulugbek Pulatov

Project founder


  • Education policy
  • Invitation
