Teachers' salaries still remain low

The Statistics Agency provided statistics on the most and least-paid representatives of the industry as of January-September 2024. According to him, the average salary of Uzbeks by the third quarter of 2024 amounted to 5.1 million soums.
In this case, as always, representatives of the education sector occupied the lowest positions, with an average salary of 3,484.7 thousand soums. In this direction, representatives of the education system have been "giving their place to no one" for a long time. That is, there was almost no increase in their salaries.
The highest salaries were paid for banking, insurance, leasing and brokerage activities, with an average monthly salary of 14 million 488.8 thousand soums.
According to the main sectors of the education sector, the highest average monthly salary was observed in higher education (8 115.6 thousand soums), and the lowest in preschool education (1 874.5 thousand soums).
The highest average monthly salary in the field of education was observed in the city of Tashkent (5768.2 thousand soums), Namangan (3 464.9 thousand soums) and Tashkent (3 439.9 thousand soums) regions. The highest growth rates were recorded in the city of Tashkent (116.3%) and Samarkand region (115.8%).
Economist Otabek Bakirov compared the salaries of teachers in Uzbekistan with neighboring Kyrgyzstan
According to the economist's analysis, the average salary of teachers in Kyrgyzstan is more than 3,955,000 soums (26,400 soums in Kyrgyz som). Interestingly, the average salary of teachers in Kyrgyzstan is the same as the average salary of Kyrgyz people. That is, Kyrgyz people who choose to become teachers are not poorer than other Kyrgyz people.
"The salaries of teachers in Uzbekistan are one-third lower than the average salary of Uzbeks. Despite loud slogans and calls, the salaries of Uzbek teachers continue to decrease relatively in recent years.
The fact that the salaries of Uzbek teachers are significantly lower than those of Kyrgyz teachers should make decision-makers think. After all, GDP per capita in Uzbekistan ($2,700) is 37% higher than in Kyrgyzstan ($1,970)," economist Otabek Bakirov said.
For information, about 6,000 teachers in Uzbekistan are currently receiving a salary of 10 million soums. This is only 1 percent of the total teaching staff.
It should be recalled that from October 1, 2024, the salary of teachers working in preschool, general education, secondary specialized, professional and extracurricular educational institutions and organizations working in budgetary organizations, "Muruvvat" boarding houses, children's and orphanages, children's sanatoriums was increased by 15%. In general, the salaries of teachers were increased by 5% compared to the salaries of employees of other budget organizations.
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