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Your questions

What foods are prohibited from being prepared and sold in school kitchens? Do you know?

What foods are prohibited from being prepared and sold in school kitchens?

Educational institutions have a list of foods and meals that are not allowed

15:31 / 24.01.2025
Toifa olgan CHQBT fani o‘qituvchisiga qo‘shimcha haq to‘lanishi kerakmi? Вы спрашивали

Toifa olgan CHQBT fani o‘qituvchisiga qo‘shimcha haq to‘lanishi kerakmi?

Ularning ish haqi o‘qituvchilar bazaviy tarif stavkasiga tenglashtirilgan

00:05 / 24.01.2025
Can the candidate of the teacher who was recommended for the ministerial allowance last year be given this year? Вы спрашивали

Can the candidate of the teacher who was recommended for the ministerial allowance last year be given this year?

It doesn't matter how many times the teacher's candidacy was recommended for the ministerial post

09:32 / 23.01.2025
Can psychologists, librarians, and administrative staff also receive a ministerial bonus? Вы спрашивали

Can psychologists, librarians, and administrative staff also receive a ministerial bonus?

To do this, they must belong to the category of advanced workers

11:00 / 20.01.2025
Is the 70% bonus paid based on the teacher's salary? Вы спрашивали

Is the 70% bonus paid based on the teacher's salary?

This bonus should be paid to teachers in relation to the current rates of the tariff rate

14:37 / 18.01.2025
Will a 70% bonus be automatically assigned to all teachers who pass the certification with 86 points? Вы спрашивали

Will a 70% bonus be automatically assigned to all teachers who pass the certification with 86 points?

The procedure for paying a 70% allowance to teachers has not yet been fully developed

10:34 / 17.01.2025
When will the procedure for assigning categories to music and physical education teachers in a new order begin? Вы спрашивали

When will the procedure for assigning categories to music and physical education teachers in a new order begin?

The ministries are tasked with developing a new procedure within three months

11:15 / 16.01.2025
Will a history teacher with a national certificate be paid a tuition fee? Вы спрашивали

Will a history teacher with a national certificate be paid a tuition fee?

At the same time, no allowance is paid for past class hours for the subject of upbringing

10:14 / 15.01.2025